Consumer Federation of America supports flat fee listings |

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Consumer Federation of America supports flat fee listings

I just got back from a trip to a conference at the Consumer Federation of America (CFA). I was invited to represent flat fee brokers in a CFA Real Estate working group. The CFA wants to support the growth of flat fee mls listings by advocating for fair competition and vigorous enforcement against any traditional broker that attempts to compete unfairly. Our working group will meet regularly, which means I will be spending more time traveling to Washington.
It is an honor to represent the flat fee brokers to this important consumer advocacy group. I regularly talk to lots of flat fee brokers and hope to be a liaison to help problem solve and advocate for flat fee brokerage. The CFA has lots of questions about flat fee MLS listings, how they compare in various parts of the country.
I am very glad that the Consumer Federation of America is involved and very supportive of innovation in real estate. I believe that flat fee listings in the MLS is one of the best (if not the best) innovations to ever come to the residential real estate services industry. Having all these well-connected and resourceful organizations like the CFA, the US Department of Justice, the US Federal Trade Commission, among others, will only help the success and growth of the flat fee mls listing model.

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