Verify Flat Fee MLS Broker's Track Record and Independent Reviews |

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Verify Flat Fee MLS Broker's Track Record and Independent Reviews

 List now in the Realtors MLS
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Available-Talk to Past Customers
Not Available.

Reputation-Are Independent Customer Evaluations & Reviews
Well established, over 20 independent reviews.

Generally no more than one.

Agent-Friendly Showings and Education Included on How to
Motivate Buyer Agents to Show Your Listing
Education and Lockbox included
(lockbox use not required)
Education not included, lockbox importance not mentioned.

Guaranteed Placement in the Right MLS
Yes, we guarantee your listing will be in the MLS
used by agents in your area.
Not guaranteed. Agent may put property in
nearby MLS instead and say "I didn't promise it would be in the MLS
used by agents in the area" We haven't heard of anyone who matches our
Right MLS Guarantee.

is Customer is Told What is Included-how many pictures, months, websites,
Before ordering, shown on website.

Yard Sign 
Does yard sign prominently advertise a flat fee service,
mention the hated Realtor words "By Owner," or require marker-written
phone number?

Lead Broker Featured/Quoted/Interviewed by
Established Media
Yes, over 20 times including CNN, Money,

Lead Broker Recognized by US Federal Trade
Commission as Flat Fee Expert
Yes, in 2007 landmark MLS case

Lead Broker Elected by Flat Fee MLS Brokers to lead
national Flat Fee Broker Association

Lead Broker Pioneered Flat Fee MLS Brokerage
Yes (since

Traditional agents and attorneys use to sell their own

Better Business Bureau Accredited
Yes, A+ Rating, the longest Accreditation of any Flat Fee Broker
(click to check) Since February 2002
Grade Rating:Number of

Meets BBB requirements for protecting consumers and business
Accredited:  Yes/No

BBB Track Record
Highest possible ranking; tremendous for 16,000+
If Accredited:  Less than 3 years;5-8 years;
Over 8 years

Return Policy
Industry best. Policy freely available
Is Cancellation Policy
online?Cancellation fees:

Eligible for BuySafe bonding after completing
rigorous qualifications

Award-Winning Internet Marketing
Yes, Realtor Online Marketing Award of

*Important: Please confirm any information about competitors mentioned in this email. The information presented is from a quick review of other websites, done in good faith that could have erroneous or out of date information. Where we could not find information on a competitor's website, we may show practices common to flat fee MLS brokers we have encountered. Important: Albert Hepp, Lead Broker is not licensed in every state, so if Albert is not the broker of record for your property one of his teammates will be. For package items such as lockboxes, websites, and yard signs, check availability on your area's order page. All items are not available in all the areas we serve.

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