Interviewed by 60 Minutes for an upcoming story on the real estate industry |

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Interviewed by 60 Minutes for an upcoming story on the real estate industry

I was interviewed by the 60 Minutes CBS News program, which is not something that happens every day. It was an off camera interview, they were asking me questions about my business and the current state of the real estate industry. I appreciated that they came to me and it was a face to face interview. At first I was hoping I might get an on camera interview and maybe even appear in the piece, but that appears highly unlikely. I have to face the fact that I am just not flashy enough, not animated (except in my own subtle kind of way) to make a compelling story. They did ask what they would be able to film if they came to my office but by the end of the interview I think the staff interviewer had concluded I didn't have a face or voice that would make for good television.
I still spent lots of time with the reporter talking about how flat fee MLS listings and the consumer response are revolutionizing the real estate industry. If I can't be on camera I hope that some of the ideas and experiences I contributed will shape the story. I eagerly anticipate seeing the story, the reporter thought it would show in 4-6 weeks. I don''t know what they are going to focus on, but it is one of my favorite TV programs so I expect they will make it interesting.

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