Featured in lead article in recent Real Estate Intelligence Report issue | MLSlisted.com

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Featured in lead article in recent Real Estate Intelligence Report issue

I was surprised when recently a flat fee MLS broker from a neighboring state faxed me the latest issue of the Real Estate Intelligence Report, a prominent industry magazine for real estate industry executives. I read with surprise the front page article all about my leadership in the flat fee MLS broker industry, my picture (oh, not that picture, I have to take that one off my website--professionals shouldn't be allowed to display photos from previous decades, but I digress...) and about how we have established a trade association for brokers who specialize in flat fee MLS listings.
It was a very complimentary article, and I hope and expect it will further enable flat fee brokers to help each other get established. New flat fee listing brokers can learn so much from the pioneers who have now been practicing as a flat fee broker from the very beginning of the concept. I still learn so much about this business and how to do it well when I meet and talk to other flat fee brokers. I don't know how the new brokers out there can do it alone, or at least how they can do it well starting from scratch. The other great part of our flat fee broker national organization (AREBA) is that many of us pioneers have significant real estate experience before we started our flat fee business, and that experience is crucial to the success of our sellers and quality of our service. I think of the relationships I had in the real estate community, the understanding of how agents act and react, and the involvement at the Realtor Association level, all of those experiences are directly tied to how well our sellers sell their home.

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